What Is a Hair Transplant?

This is a type of surgery in which existing hair is moved to an area with thin or missing hair.

Who can have a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is suitable for people with permanent baldness, the type that runs in families.

It’s not usually suitable for people with other types of hair loss, such as the type that causes bald patches (alopecia areata).

How is the Hair transplant procedure performed?

The procedure usually takes place in the doctor’s office. First the surgeon cleanses the scalp and injects medication to numb the back of the head. The doctor will choose one of two methods of transplantation: Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). With FUSS, the surgeon removes a 6-10 cm strip of skin from the back of the head. He sets it aside and sews up the scalp. This area is immediately concealed by the surrounding hair.The surgical team then divides the stripped scalp strip into 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts, each made up of a single hair or several hairs. The number and type of grafts depends on the type, quality, colour of your hair and the size of the area being transplanted.If you are undergoing FUE, the surgical team will remove the back of your scalp. The surgeon will then remove the hair follicles from there one by one. Small spots will be left at the transplant site to cover the existing hair.

How long does the Hair transplant procedure last?

Depending on the size of the graft to be transplanted, the process will take between 4 and 8 hours. You may need another procedure later if you continue to lose hair or decide you need thicker hair.

What happens after the Hair Transplant procedure?

Afterwards, both procedures are the same. After preparing the grafts, the surgeon cleans and anaesthetises the area where the hair will grow, makes holes or slits with a scalpel or needle and gently places each graft into one of the holes. It is likely that other members of the team will also help install the grafts.

How long does it take to recover after Hair Transplant procedure?

Your scalp can be very sensitive after the operation. You may have to take pain medication for a few days. Your surgeon will ask you to wear bandages on your scalp for at least a day or two. He may also prescribe you an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medicine to take for a few days. Most people can return to work 2-5 days after surgery.

What kind of result can I expect after the Hair Transplant procedure?

For 2-3 weeks after surgery the transplanted hair will fall out, but after a few months you will notice new growth. Most people will see 60% new hair growth after 6-9 months.

What are the risks of the Hair Transplant procedure?  

Like any surgery, hair transplantation involves certain risks, including bleeding and infection.

Around the time when new locks begin to grow, some people experience inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, called folliculitis. Antibiotics and compresses can alleviate this problem. Also, some of the previous hair may suddenly fall out in the area where the new strands have appeared, which is called shock hair loss. But in most cases, this is not permanent.

Can there be scarring after the Hair Transplant procedure?

There is a possibility of scarring and an unnatural appearance of new hair.

How much does a Hair transplant procedure cost?

It can vary significantly depending on multiple factors, including:


Experience of the doctor

Location of the procedure (office, surgery center, hospital)

Type of anesthesia used

*A low-cost Hair transplant procedure performed by an inexperienced doctor who delivers poor results is not a good combination.